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More and more, parents expect to interact with schools as they do other aspects of their lives, from paying bills, doing the banking and shopping, scheduling events, connecting and keeping up to date with the latest news.

The market has responded, creating apps that help parents perform various administrative and communication tasks on their smart phones and tablets. This means parents can now keep on top of their children’s school life wherever they are at the touch of a button.

Here are just a few simple ways parents can make school apps work for them.

Being connected to your school via your mobile device means you never miss out on important information.

1. Get reminders

Have you ever forgotten your child’s school photo shoot, or sent him or her to school without a gym bag on sports carnival day? Maybe you have arrived to pick your child up only to find the buses are late back from a school excursion.

Being connected to your school via your mobile device means you never miss out on important information. School apps keep you on top of school life. Receive notifications about up-coming events, such as sporting events or the school play. Get reminders when permission slips are due or when school photos are on. Receive urgent alerts when school events are cancelled or delayed, for instance due to storms, fires or floods.

2. Stay informed

With a school app, you no longer have to search through your child’s schoolbag somewhere beneath a soggy banana or sandwich crumbs for a school notice or newsletter.

Find out what is going on in your child’s year level, clubs and interest areas such as sports, music, drama, and debating. See who won the latest school competition or match, get photos and updates, and discover the richness and diversity of all your school has to offer.

Having a school app is a smart and easy way to integrate your school into the rest of your life.

3. Provide absentee notes

Ever dropped the kids off, realised you forgot to write out that absentee note and then spent all day trying to remember to call the school?

One of the great ways you can use a good school app is to provide absentee notes on the go—one less thing to worry about in your hectic day.

4. Schedule events

Have you ever turned up to the wrong location or at the wrong time for your child’s school event? Maybe you have missed parent-teacher interviews or forgotten about school camp.

Connecting to your school’s app means you always know what is coming up. See when and where your child’s sports team is playing, RSVP to parent-teacher interviews, and save events to your online calendar.

5. Order online

There isn’t much you can’t order online these days. Why should school be any different? With online ordering on your school app you don’t have to worry about your child losing his or her lunch money or trying to get to the uniform shop during office hours.

Use your school app to order and pay online quickly and easily, from purchasing school uniforms to placing orders at the tuck shop or canteen.


When mobile devices are such a huge part of our lives, and apps are so easy and accessible to use, having a school app is a smart and easy way to integrate your school into the rest of your life. These are just a few of the simple ways you can use a school app to stay connected, informed, and organised every day.