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Are you on Twitter? Increasingly, teachers are using Twitter as a professional development tool and are connecting with colleagues and educators globally to share ideas. Research shows there are some real benefits in using the microblogging platform this way. As Steven W Anderson of @web20classroom says:

“Alone we are smart but together we are brilliant. We can use the collective wisdom to do great things when we are connected.”

If you are new to Twitter, Guardian Teach has a great guide to get you started. For Australian educators, especially relevant hashtags are #aussieED and #edchat, although you will be able to connect with like-minded colleagues through more specific hashtags.

Here is our list of the top Australian educators to follow:

Eddie Woo @misterwootube is the Head Teacher of Mathematics for NSW Education. You have probably seen him on either Australian Story or his highly regarded YouTube videos.


Zeina Chalich @zeinachalich is a not only a STEAM expert who is passionate about education, but a fantastic curator of content that is relevant to educators across the board.


Dr Linda J. Graham @drlindagraham is the Professor and Leader of QUT’s Student Engagement, Learning and Behaviour Research Group and tweets feature links to articles around inclusion for students with learning disabilities, belonging and bullying, as well as education more broadly.


Rob McTaggart @robmctaggart is an Education Consultant, K-6 Teacher and Co-founder of education focussed start-up, SLAM Australia.


Eleni Kyritsis @misskyritsis is the Melbourne based founder of @TeachTechPlay. In addition to being a Year 3 teacher, she is also a Leader of Digital Learning and Innovation and the 2017 ACCE Australian Educator of the Year.


Adam Voight @adam_voigt is a former School Principal who has led with success in some of Australia’s toughest locations and is the founder of Real Schools and Real Learners. He tweets about education issues and opportunities.


Brett Salakas @MRSalakas is the founder of the #aussieED, #DronesinEd and @WorldSTEMedu. Need we say more?


Yasodai Selvakumaran @yasodaiselva was named on the The Educator magazine’s 2017 list of 30 “Rising Star” Educators under 35 in Australia. She works at Rooty Hill High School and was recognised for her outstanding classroom practice and leadership in Professional Practice. She has also been named a Schools Plus/ Commonwealth Bank Teaching Fellow for 2018 www.teachingawards.com.au.


Stephy Salazar @stephygsalazar is an Assistant Principal and the founder of #PSTchat and #newteachertribe. A fantastic follow for new teachers, in particular.


Greg Whitby @gregwhitby is the Executive Director of Schools in the Catholic Diocese of Parramatta. His feed features tweets about the impact of technology and learning.


We must make mention of three of the world’s most prolific tweeters in education globally: @SirKenRobinson, Steven W Anderson @web20classroom and @GaryStager, each of whom generously share their experience and insights to further the teaching profession as a whole.

You can also follow School Stream, of course! We tweet links to our blog and other resources @schoolstreamapp.

What are your thoughts? Are there any other leaders in Australian education we should be following?