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School Management Systems provide the complexity you need to run your school day-to-day throughout the student life-cycle. They help you monitor enquiries from prospective students, handle admissions, manage classes and teacher schedules, process enrolments, maintain student personal details, attendance records and records of examinations, assessments, marks, grades and academic progression, right through to managing your school’s finances and providing statistical reports.

It is the 10% above the water, your external communication, that your school community sees.

Some systems also support student accommodation and health records, service the management of human resources, the school canteen, transport facilities such as the school bus, inventory and assets management, and provide payroll processing for school employees.

Much of this activity goes on behind the scenes. You might think of your School Management System as like an iceberg. It takes care of 90% of your school’s administration needs, but it is the 10% above the water, your external communication, that your school community sees.

While a School Management System takes care of all your internal administration needs, most fail to support parent interactions and community engagement: your external communication needs. Many schools try to fill this gap with websites, newsletters, emails, and broadcast text messages, but on their own these can be costly and inefficient.

How can you reach out to your school community simply and effectively?

How can you reach out to your school community simply and effectively? How can you let parents know what is happening right now, tomorrow or next week? Smart schools are now adding apps to their toolkit to simplify the way they manage communications with parents: the part of your core business that people see.

An app is an ideal way to engage your school community and keep parents informed. With an app, you can provide urgent messages in an instant and keep parents updated at any time. Apps let you deliver information such as newsletters, events, and canteen menus to parents wherever they are.

Whether you need to remind parents about the upcoming fun fair, manage absentee notes or let Year 6 know you have had to cancel an excursion, a school app provides real-time digital communication straight into the palms of parents’ hands. Best of all, using a broadcast tool like a school app is simple and effective.

Communicating via an app increases the reach to your desired audience.

Communicating via an app increases the reach to your desired audience. Where print communications and websites can provide generic information, an app notification provides targeted up-to-the-moment messages directly to intended users, and that means fewer calls from parents, freeing up valuable staff time. Using an app to communicate with parents also allows greater involvement in school life, increasing engagement and enriching your school community.

Don’t let your hard work beneath the surface slip through the gaps. A school app is something so simple that can make a difference that you and your parents will see.