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Teachers in the Twittersphere

By June 23, 2015June 25th, 2024No Comments2 min read

Top Hashtags for Teachers

If you’re a teacher and you’re already on Twitter, you’ll no doubt have discovered that it can be a useful tool for communication, resources, networking and education news. If you haven’t already ventured into the Twittersphere, don’t be overwhelmed by the mass of information flying around, a simple search for relevant tweets via these top teacher education hashtags will help you home in on the relevant information for you:


This is a great hashtag for discovering information about useful tools that assist in education or school communication (such as School Stream App)!


General chat about education from a range of teachers all over the world. Search this hashtag to find about education ideas, problems and suggestions from educators all over the world, especially US focused.


This hashtag is a useful way to find out information about how students learn. Useful for students and teachers.


This hashtag identifies posts relating to educational apps


A useful hashtag for teachers to find tweets relating to bullying situations and classroom solutions

Aussie Education Hashtags:

#ozedchat and #aussieED

These two hashtags relate to posts about general education in Australia. This might include news, policies, practice and ideas.


This hashtag relates specifically to primary school related news, information and ideas within Australia

#ozscichat and #ozengchat

Search these popular Australian education hashtags to find out interesting news and information about specific subject areas, Science and English respectively. Discover ideas that will help you teach in these subject areas from other educators.


Now you’re an expert! Jump on Twitter and search these hashtags to discover a whole new world of educational resources available to you, and share your thoughts and ideas with others.

School Stream App is Australia’s most advanced school communication app. If you’d like a free demo of how it would work in your school, please click here.